29. February 2024 2024-02-29 14:57

Personal data protection (GDPR)

We, SP Resort – Sagan Peter, sport the maximum protection of the privacy of our guests and visitors.

For this purpose, we have prepared these Personal Data Protection rules to explain how we process data that we obtain from you or about you, both by visiting our website, our premises, based on written or oral communication with you, or from other sources (further also known as „Rules“)

These Rules are intended to help you understand more (and more detail) how we collect and use personal data and to explain the rights of data subjects whose personal data we process, especially due to the new legislation in field of personal data protection effective from 25 of May 2018 (General Data Protection Regulation, Act No. 18/2018 Coll. On Personal Data Protection and Amendments to Certain Acts).



Form 2023, SP Resort – Peter Sagan is operated by an operator in accordance with the legal regulation in the field of personal data protection:

SP resort, s.r.o., with registered office: Ulica majsta sveta 1, 010 04 Žilina, Slovak Republic,

IČO: 47555840, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by Žilina District Court, Section s.r.o.(private limited companies, entry No. 61135/L (hereinafter also as SP Resort -Sagan Peter or „we“).


What personal data do we process?

We collect and process personal data from you or about you by visiting our website, our premises, based on written or oral communication with you, or from other sources.

The range of personal data that we process depends on the services provided or offered. For more information on How we collect personal data below.

Our employees are ready to provide you with additional information about the processing of personal data. For more information you can contact us in the Contact Details section below.

Personal data of children

We do not intentionally process personal data of persons under the age of 18. As a parent or legal guardian, do not allow children to send personal data without your consent.

Special categories of personal data

Special categories of personal data are data that reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biontric data, health data or data related to sex life or sexual orientation.

We do not process special categories of personal data unless you make them available to us yourself, or processing is necessary in accordance with the relevant legal regulations. The data relating to your health that you make available to us may enable us to provide you with services according to your preferences (for example, in the case of disability data).


How we collect personal data

We collect information, including personal data, if you make it available to us or from third-party sites, as follows.

Our website

You have the option to fill in the Contact Form, where you can enter your personal data. The form also contains a link to our page where you can read our Rules. The completed form is sent to our reception, which will process it. The form can also be used for the purpose of booking accommodation.


You have the option to fill in the Reservation form and enter the following personal data: first and last name, age category, or special requirements. The form also contains a link to our page where you can read our Rules. The completed form is sent to our reception, which will process it.

You may choose to use third-party websites for booking purposes. We cannot control how these sites process your personal data. The operators of these websites are responsible for processing.

In general, we are provided with your identification and reservation data (desired services, number of guests, duration of stay). Other information is provided to us during check-in upon arrival at the reception.

Personal data is processed and stored only for the necessary time, for the duration of the pre-contractual relationship or our legitimate interest. We are required to process some data, including your last name, address, payment information and document information, in order to process your reservation. If some of this data is missing, it may mean that we will not be able to process your reservation.

Check-in and Check-out

The guest provides us with the necessary data to be able to provide him with our services. Personal data is processed only for the necessary time, to fulfil the contract for the provision of services or our legitimate interest.

Other sources

We can obtain data about your IP address, operating system and Internet browser that you use when visiting our website.


How we use your personal data

We may use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Provide you with information and services that you have expressed interest in or that you have requested from us,
  • Respond to your requests, questions or complaints,
  • Alert you for news, events, other current information and new services we provide (more in the Marketing section below),
  • Send you an invitation to seminars or other events (more in the Marketing section below),
  • Help us with the content so that it is relevant and suitable for you,
  • Perform administrative and operational tasks.

We may ask you of that you are not interested in receiving marketing information from us. We will not send you such information if you ask us not to. In that case, please send us an email to

and we will ensure that your email is deleted from the directory for marketing materials. However, we can use your contact information for the purpose of sending the information you requested.

We can process the data in aggregate for the purpose of statistics and analysis of the use of our website.

We pay maximum attention to the protection of personal data, regardless of how they were made available to us, and we ensure that they are protected during the entire processing period. A link to these Rules or even more detailed information (what personal data and how we process personal data) is available in every material, from the service booking process to the guest check-out, and within other services we provide.


Period of storage of personal data

We keep personal data for the time necessary to provide our services. The retention period is longer if the relevant legislation provide for it, or it a different retention period is specified in these Rules. We will destroy personal data as soon as possible and in such a way that it cannot be recovered.


Rights of data subjects

A data subject is any natural person whose personal data is processed.

The person concerned has the right to:

  • request from us access to personal data that we process and that relate to her,
  • request correction or deletion of personal data from us,
  • request from us a limitation of processing or object to the processing of personal data,
  • on portability of personal data,
  • submit a proposal to the office for the Protection of Personal Data of the Slovak Republic to initiate proceedings in the event that it is believed that there has been a violation of rights in the processing of personal data.


Dissemination of personal data

If necessary, we can use personal data for the processing of personal data by third parties who process personal data on our behalf.

We have taken every step to ensure that each such entity maintains the confidentiality of personal information and uses it only for the purpose we have determined.

In the case of other third parties, we will share personal data only if you have given us consent, we are obliged to do so on the basis of legal regulations, when it is necessary for the purpose of (or in connection with) proceedings in accordance with legal regulations, or for the purpose of protecting rights and legally protected interests.

Any recipient who has access to information, including personal data, is required to maintain confidentiality.

We will update this section of the Rules for additional recipients.



The goal of processing personal data for the purpose of marketing is:

Distribution of information about news, events, other current information and new services at

SP resort – Sagan Peter.

The following personal data are processed: first and last name, e-mail address, and other personal data that you provide to us.

We will store your personal data for a period of five years, in the case of consent, five years from the granting of consent or until the consent is revoked. Each sent material includes a link to unsubscribe from marketing (revocation of consent), also referred to as the “unsubscribe”.

The legal basis for processing personal data is consent, in some cases it may be the legitimate interest of the operator.

The person concerned has the right to:

  • request from us access to personal data that we process and that relate to it,
  • request correction or deletion of personal data from us,
  • request from us a limitation of processing or object to the processing of personal data,
  • on portability of personal data,
  • withdraw consent at any time, if the processing of personal data is based on consent,
  • submit a proposal to the office for the Protection of Personal Data of Slovak Republic to initiate proceedings in the event that is believed that there has been a violation of rights in the processing of personal data.

If the person concerned decides that he is not interested in receiving marketing materials from us, it will be sufficient to send an email to the address or unsubscribe from the newsletters (the link is provided in each delivered newsletter) and we will ensure the deletion of the email address from our directory to send marketing materials.

Processing of such requests may take up to 10 working days.


IP addresses

An IP addresses is an assigned number, similar to a telephone number, that allows your computer to communicate on the Internet.

The data on the IP address allows us to process statistical data about the use of our website in order to be able to identify how the users of the site move around the site in order to be able to evaluate and improve our site.



We use suitable and adequate technical and organizational measures to protect data from unauthorized access, provision, publication, theft, loss, damage and change.

All employees and third parties are required to maintain confidentiality.

The information we collect in on our computer systems (not on the website) or in paper form exclusively on our premises.


Links and references to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites, websites of third parties.


Updating the rules Protection of personal data

These rules may be updated from time to time. The up-to-date information will always be listed at the top of the Rules.

We would like to ask you to check them regularly if you are interested, In exceptional cases, we will inform you separately about specific changes in the Rules.

Changes to the Privacy will be effective upon publication of the modified version of the Policy on our website.


Contact information

In case of questions regarding the Rules, or if you did not find the information you were looking for about the processing of personal data, please contact us by sending an email to the email address

or by mail to the following address:

Ulica majstra sveta 1

010 04 Žilina

Slovak Republic

Check Availabity

1 Room , 1 Adult , 0 Children