General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

29. February 2024 2024-03-06 11:49


1.1.SP Resort – Sagan Peter (SP resort, s.r.o., Business ID: 47555840), is an accommodation facility that provides accommodation, catering and additional services. These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) regulate the way of booking services provided by the hotel operator, through the reception or the online booking system on the website, its sub-sites and sub-domains.

1.2.All conditions that are not regulated by these GTC

s are governed by the General Terms and Conditions and the hotel’s accommodation rules published on the hotel’s website.

1.3. These GTCs become effective and valid on 1.3.2024.


2.1. The operator undertakes to provide services to the extent that he offers them at the time of booking.

2.2. When reserving additional services, the customer is only entitled to the provision of the number of services he has properly reserved. The decisive factor in this case is the reservation confirmation, which is a document for both the operator and the customer.

2.3. The customer is entitled at any time to supplement the reservation and extend the reserved services even after the reservation has been made.


3.1. Services offered on the hotel’s website can be paid by bank transfer, credit card or advance invoice.

• When choosing to pay by credit / debit card, the condition for confirming the binding reservation of services is the payment of a deposit in the amount of 50 to 100% of the price of the ordered services, which are generated by the system during the reservation.

• When choosing to pay by bank transfer to the hotel account, the condition for confirming the binding reservation of services is the payment of an advance in the amount of 50 to 100% of the price of the ordered services.

• When choosing to pay by advance invoice, it is necessary to pay 50 to 100% of the amount of the advance invoice no later than 14 working days before the start of the stay.

3.2. Payment data. Account owner: SP resort, s.r.o.; Bank connection: Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s.; Account number: SK34 0900 0000 0051 3197 4414; BIC: GIBASKBX.

3.3. If the customer does not pay the deposit for the stay within the specified period, the reservation of services is automatically canceled in full.


4.1. Withdrawal from the contract and cancellation of the reservation of services must always be made as soon as possible, including the reason, in writing or by telephone with subsequent written confirmation indicating the following data of the customer: name and surname, permanent residence, date of stay, reservation confirmation number, e-mail contact , from which the reservation was made, the bank account number in IBAN format, including a document with which the customer proves ownership of the said account. Withdrawal from the contract can only be done through the hotel reception on phone number +421 902 536 158, by e-mail to the address: or by post to the address SP resort, Ulica majstra sveta 1, 01004 Žilina, Slovak Republic.

4.2. By making a reservation, the customer fully agrees with the content of the cancellation conditions. When canceling a stay reservation, the hotel has the right to charge the cancellation fees that are indicated when the reservation is confirmed.

Cancellation conditions:

1. within 21 days before the start of the event without fees

2. from 20 to 14 days – 25% of the price of accommodation for each deregistered participant

3. from 13 to 8 days – 50% of the price of accommodation for each deregistered participant

4. from 7 to 4 days – 75% of the price of accommodation for each deregistered participant

5. from 3 days or less – the supplier has the right to charge a fee of 100% for accommodation and meals for each deregistered participant

4.3. Regardless of the method of payment for reserved services by the customer, the method of refund, if the customer is entitled to it in terms of these terms and conditions, is always made by bank transfer from the account of the service provider. The total amount of refunded services in Euros will be reduced by all costs associated with the original payment of the customer (bank fees, service fees for card payments, other fees associated with payment).


5.1. After payment of the deposit for the stay, the customer will be issued with a proof of payment, which will bindingly confirm the reservation.

5.2. When purchasing a stay voucher and after paying the full price of the stay, a voucher will be issued to the customer and sent to the e-mail or postal address by the service provider, which the customer must prove when arriving at the hotel and sign in at the hotel reception.


6.1. SP resort – Sagan Peter processes personal data in accordance with Act 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on the amendment of certain laws and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”). We have adopted relevant technical, organizational and personal measures in accordance with EU regulations and the relevant legal regulations of the Slovak Republic.

6.2. Personal data will be provided or made available to third parties only on the basis of legal regulations. Personal data may also be made available to persons who manage, operate or service individual systems used for personal data processing.

6.3. By reserving a stay, the customer provides personal data to the accommodation provider for the purpose of registration and business relationship. SP resort – Sagan Peter will process personal data for 6 years from the last visit to the hotel.


7.1. These General Terms and Conditions and legal relationships arising on their basis are governed by Slovak law.

7.2. Any disputes arising from these GTC and the Agreement will be settled before the competent court in the Slovak Republic.

7.3. The resolution of Clients’ complaints in relation to the Services provided by the Hotel is regulated by the Hotel’s Complaints Procedure. In the event that the Client – consumer is not satisfied with the manner in which the Hotel handled his complaint, or believes that the Hotel has violated his rights, the Client has the right to contact the Hotel as a seller with a request for redress.

7.4. If the Hotel responds negatively to the Client’s request in accordance with the previous sentence or does not respond to such a request within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its sending by the Client, the Client has the right to submit a proposal for the initiation of alternative dispute resolution to the entity of alternative dispute resolution pursuant to § 12 of Act no. 391/2015 Coll. on alternative resolution of consumer disputes and on amendments to certain laws.

7.5. The client can use the online alternative dispute resolution platform available at to submit a proposal for alternative resolution of their consumer dispute. You can find more information about the alternative resolution of consumer disputes on the website of the Slovak Trade Inspection:

7.6. If individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are or become ineffective or invalid, this does not affect the validity or effectiveness of the other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.

7.7. Unless otherwise stated between the Contracting Parties and/or in these GTC, in the case of mutual written correspondence, it will be delivered to the Contracting Parties in person, by registered mail with delivery receipt or by courier, or in another agreed form to the address specified in the Contract, in the Reservation or to another announced address. In case of unsuccessful delivery, including rejection of the shipment, the day of return of the shipment to the sender will be considered as the day of proper delivery.

In Žilina, on , 2023.

Check Availabity

1 Room , 1 Adult , 0 Children